Professional Beauty 25th Feb 2018 - Excel London This is the Year is the Year were I will try my best to attend many Events as possible. Finally got to visit Professional Beauty held in Excel and thought why not share my experience and what the Event is about. It's all Beauty related under one roof. Mainly Spa and Skin care professionals. They also have Nails and Make Up brands too. They had more Make Up brand this Year then last Year so that was a bonus for me. Professionals all over the world exhibited the show and even visitor came flying out for this event. I get newsletters and information via Email about this event as I subscribed many Years ago. This is how I get to know dates and timing for shows before hand and can arrange a visit. This Year visitors had to register to get a free pass. Which I think was great. Any one can visit and get the chance to see the show and exhibition. I got to experience a little VIP experience. As a Blogger and having access with a Pre...